Author Archives: Liam Pedley

Liam Pedley

The Blog

Benefits of Microsoft SharePoint

Efficient collaboration and seamless data management are essential for every business. Microsoft SharePoint is a powerful solution that meets these needs, offering a comprehensive platform for document management, intranet creation,...

July 26, 2024
The Blog

What is meant by cloud solutions?

Businesses and individuals are increasingly turning to cloud solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve flexibility. But what exactly are cloud solutions, and why have they become such a...

July 19, 2024
The Blog

Tips to Always Keep Your IT Systems Productive

The productivity of IT systems directly impacts the overall efficiency and success of any organisation. Keeping these systems productive isn’t just about having the latest technology; it involves proactive management,...

July 12, 2024
The Blog

How is your password health?

Our personal and professional lives are increasingly intertwined with online platforms, password security has never been more critical. Passwords are the first line of defence against unauthorised access to our...

June 07, 2024
Is Your Business Ready for a Cyberattack? 
The Blog

Is Your Business Ready for a Cyberattack? 

Cyberattacks are on everyone’s mind these days, as we hear of ever more numerous attacks in the news. These attacks hit companies of all sizes, and even individuals, with disastrous...

May 24, 2024